Marfan Syndrome- A Frequently Undiagnosed Genetic Disorder
Approximately 200,000 Americans have Marfan syndrome or a related disorder, yet experts say that about half of those are not diagnosed. The National Marfan Foundation is spreading awareness about how to recognize the signs of Marfan syndrome so people can seek an evaluation and proper treatment if they think they know someone who may be affected.
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Marfan Syndrome National Marfan Foundation Features Connective Tissue Awareness Health
Categories: People & Stories
Putting Health in a Shake In a unnatural world, Shakeology is bringing back whole foods into your life in order to live a healthier life. No more processed foods, artificial flavoring, and other additives that are destroying your appearance, health, and overall digestive system. Stop making yourself age faster and live a sickly life... Shakeology will transform your life. Get it at: If you're looking for digestive health then check out this Facebook Page: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - No More Pain
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Submitted By: CoachJulio26
Whole Foods Irritable Bowel Syndrome Ibs Gas Diarrhea Constipation Weight Loss Shake Diet Shake Shakeology Healthy Ingredients Vitamins Energy Meal Replacement Beachbody Shakeology Healthy Regularity
Categories: Other
Charlie Rose - Red and Fragile-X Syndrome Season: 18
Charlie Rose Season: 18 Episode: 37 The effects of Red and Fragile-X Syndrome.
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Charlie Rose Science Brains Perception Health Development Children Vision Eyes Kandel Seeing News And Information
Categories: Entertainment News & Events
LiveMojo - Eye Health Month: Be Kind to Your Eyes
LiveMojo Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome and different ways to avoid it with Dr. Langis Michaud.
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Health Optometrist Eye Health Vision Computer Vision Syndrome Baby Boomers Computers Digital Screen Photophobia Canadian Association Of Optometrists Diplopia Headaches Eye Exam Offices Eye Strain Contact Lenses Glasses Doctor Eye
Categories: Entertainment
How To Treat Burning Mouth Syndrome
Learn all about how to treat burning mouth syndrome with these tips.
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Submitted By: Howcast
HealthBeauty Burning Mouth Syndrome Treating Health Sensation Stopping Symptoms Disease
Categories: How To
PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome)
Here is a little bit more information about pcos and some books that may help you and get you on the right track. ALL of the following books can be found on - Barnes and Nobles or amazon Getting Pregnant what you need to know right now Pcos how to regain eneregy, vitality, and hormone balance Perfect hormone balance for fertility-the ultimate guide to getting pregnant Pcos and fertility by: colette harris
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Infertility Makeup Eyeshadow Pcos No Period Mac Womens Health Obgyn
Categories: How To
Turner Syndrome - NJN News Healthwatch Report
Turner Syndrome is a genetic abnormality seen only in females that can cause short stature and infertility, but early intervention can make a real difference. For more news and events in and around New Jersey, visit NJN's website at
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Njn News New Jersey Public Television PBS Health Healthwatch Sara Lee Kessler Jim Hookers Turner Syndrome
Categories: News & Events
Death from Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome Graphic Video
This pregnant crossbred cow was found dead Saturday morning for no apparent reason. She was due to calve in 27 days. The day before the cow received her 3-4 week vaccinations and I noticed her resting in a stall chewing her cud later that day looking as happy as can be. I was quite puzzled about what caused the sudden death and called the local large animal veternarian office to have someone come down to do a necropsy since the diagnostic lab at Penn State was closed until Monday. During the necropsy it was determined that she ruptured on the inside and died from Bloody Gut aka Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome. The calf she would have delivered was a bull. A full description of this frustrating disease is listed below: Bloody gut, also known as hemorrhagic bowel syndrome (HBS), is a frustrating disease that strikes apparently healthy animals without much warning and has a fatality rate of 85 percent or higher. HBS is more prevalent in dairy cows, especially in early lactation, although it also has been reported in beef cattle. According to National Animal Health Monitoring System, from 1996 to 2002, the number of operations reporting their initial case of bloody gut/hemorrhagic bowel syndrome (HBS) increased dramatically, supporting opinions that this is an emerging disease. In the last few years, several studies have indicated an association between HBS and C. perfringens Type A. While no single cause has been identified for HBS, C. perfringens is believed to be a contributor, as it is commonly isolated from the gastrointestinal tracts of afflicted animals. In addition to C. perfringens Type A, bloody gut/hemorrhagic bowel syndrome (HBS) is linked with early lactation rations that are rich in energy and protein and low in fiber. Mold also has been implicated in the disease, specifically Aspergillus fumigatus found in livestock feeds. Bloody gut/hemorrhagic bowel syndrome (HBS) can be found in any size herd in any location. However, USDA reports that it occurs most frequently in: Operations with 500+ cows More productive herds with rolling herd averages of 20,000 lbs. or greater Signs of bloody gut/hemorrhagic bowel syndrome (HBS) include a sudden and sometimes massive hemorrhage into the small intestine, resulting in blood clots that obstruct the intestine. Other signs of HBS include: Cows off feed Pale mucous membranes Severe decrease in milk production Dark, tar-like feces, often containing clots of digested blood Round or pear-shaped abdominal contour, especially in the lower right abdomen Treatment of cattle with bloody gut/hemorrhagic bowel syndrome (HBS) is rarely successful. Prevention is key. In an effort to address this emerging disease, Novartis Animal Health has introduced the first USDA conditionally licensed vaccine for cattle Clostridium Perfringens Type A Toxoid. This vaccine aids in the control of disease syndromes caused by the alpha toxin of C. perfringens. Two mL of the vaccine should be administered subcutaneously in the neck, with revaccination in two to four weeks following the initial dose. Revaccinate annually or as recommended by your veterinarian. The product can be given to pregnant or non-pregnant animals, and can be given to calves as young as one month of age. In addition to vaccination, other management measures to consider for HBS are: Evaluating and correcting nutritional factors that may predispose cows to HBS, such as lack of roughage or too much carbohydrate in the diet Testing silage to verify proper ensiling, quality and to check for the presence of C. perfringens Type A, mold or mycotoxins Practicing good bunk management, such as keeping feed pushed up and removing leftover feed from the bunk daily Identifying and correcting problems that might lower disease resistance during transition and early lactation
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Vet Schools Veternarian Death Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome Pennsylvania Swingers Clubs Dairy Cattle Happy Cows Come From California Novartis Animals Health Crossbred Montbeliarde France Sweden United Kingdom Denmark Germany Norway Europe Finlan
Categories: Pets & Animals
Williams Syndrome, Repair of Supravalvar Aortic Stenosis
Redmond Burke MD, Chief of Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery at Miami Children's Hospital. We demonstrate the surgical repair of congenital heart defects, and show the postoperative recovery process. The program website is, Contact Doctor Burke at [email?protected]
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Williams Syndrome Aortic Stenosis AS Redmond Burke Sam Edwards Health Medicine U2 Coldplay Pediatric Heart Surgery World's Best Babies Congenital Minimally Invasive Video Assisted Endoscopic Hybrid Procedure
Categories: People & Stories
What is Asperger's Syndrome? This video on Asperger's Syndrome (high functioning autism) explains, in simple terms what Aspergers is, the typical symptoms, common treatments and why Aspergers children, teenagers and adults have meltdowns.
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Aspergers Asperger's Syndrome Symptoms Mental Health Developmental Disability Aspergers Children Aspergers Meltdowns
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